Portfolio Presentation Results in First Eviepizzacat Art Patron

Current Mood: Feeling accomplished

Evie has a new art patron! Recently, we delivered two artworks to Brenda Speer, a long time family friend and Executive Vice President at Coffelt Land Title. After viewing available work on Evie’s website, she asked to purchase Grumpy Fish and Colorful Abstraction. 

Upon a warm arrival, Brenda asked if she could view additional work, which luckily, we had packed up the night before! Evie conducted her first portfolio presentation, showing and talking through about 10 pieces. Two, in particular, caught Brenda’s eye - Inspired by Claude Monet and Fireworks.

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Evie made Inspired by Claude Monet after studying the famous French Impressionist’s Water Lilies series during summer camp. In Evie’s painting, she created a bridge using tape. Placing the tape down first allowed Evie to paint around it with colorful greens, blues and purples to form the trees and water. Once the paint dried, the tape was removed, revealing the bridge structure in pristine white. 

When Evie flipped to another painting, this one more abstract, Brenda asked her ‘What does that look like to you?’ Evie immediately responded, “Fireworks!” Brenda's response, “Oh my gosh! I was going to say that, too!” And so, after a few shared giggles, she decided to acquire the work of pink and purple hues with glitter accents. 

All four pieces are now in Brenda’s collection, and we couldn’t be happier to name her Evie’s first true collector. Thank you so much, Brenda!

If you’re interested in having Evie present her portfolio, feel free to reach out to her mom at: eviepizzacat@gmail.com.



We can’t wait to continue growing our collector base and spreading happiness along the way!