New Heights


Current Mood: Pawsitively strong!

Have you ever heard of the Castle Rock mini-incline?

Well, friends, let me tell you, it’s a mind and body challenge. 200 steps lead straight to the top of a mesa at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. We decided to tackle the challenge.

As we approached the base of the staircase, Evie was feeling strong and ready. Off she went!


As we approached the base of the staircase, Evie was feeling strong and ready. Off she went!


About halfway up, we took a quick breather and water break (the elevation shift from the lowlands of Kansas City is no joke - neither is the arid environment!). Then, we pushed onward and upward with renewed gusto!

A fellow exerciser noted, “Wow - she’s speedy!” Of course that pushed Evie to go even faster. 


At last, we reached the top! Panoramic views of the city of Castle Rock and its hills to the east gave way to a stunning view of the Rocky Mountains to the north, west and south. Some peaks were still covered in white snow! We paused for a photo and headed down the winding trail leading back to the base. A more gentle incline (or decline, I suppose) made for a leisurely walk and talk.


Along the way we stumbled across a momma and a baby deer. We played the staring game for what seemed like forever before they deemed us harmless, turning their backs and sauntering away. These types of encounters are common out here - we’ll need to get used to that!

We arrived back safely (albeit a bit winded) at the base and decided that next time, we’re going to do The Incline in Manitou Springs. Look for an update on that - although it might be a bit - training will be in order to complete the 2000 stair climb. :-0

Ciao for now!