A Grade Card, A Commission, and John Cena?!

"When I make artwork, I feel happy!"

Current Mood : Emotional


What in the world was Evie up to this week?!

It certainly was a busy one in our household. The same day Evie brought home an outstanding grade card, we received a message for her very first art commission! 

In the art world, when someone wants a specific work created just for them, it's called a commission. Sometimes the person gives direction on the imagery or colors, but most often, they give the artist creative freedom to develop a unique and inspired vision.

Our newest patron (someone who supports the artist) asked for an original piece created in the same vein as 'Princess Cat'. So, Evie got to work on 'Princess Cat And Friends' this morning. Check out the side by side comparison of the finished works below:

'Princess Cat' and 'Princess Cat & Friends' : Copyright eviepizzacat.com

'Princess Cat' and 'Princess Cat & Friends' : Copyright eviepizzacat.com



And what about John Cena? Well, you'll just have to see THAT connection for yourself:


Just Dance with John Cena : Copyright eviepizzacat.com

Just Dance with John Cena : Copyright eviepizzacat.com



If you're interested in purchasing an existing artwork or commissioning a custom piece, just email Evie's mom at
