Welcome Friends!

Current mood: Excited! 

I'm happy about my website because other children can decide if they like it and share it with their parents.

Several months ago, Evie visited her first gallery opening. She was mesmerized by the art on the walls, asking her Dad, 'When can I have my art on display'? At only five years old, Evie clearly has big aspirations! Thus, eviepizzacat.com was born. The site features original artwork and stories meant to make you smile (and hopefully inspire your own creativity, too).

Each week, we will upload artwork, write a post, and share with the world. We hope you enjoy following Evie's artistic journey (with a few laughs along the way)!

What's in a name?

As you get to know Evie, you'll quickly realize she LOVES cats. And pizza. Combining her name with two of her most loved things (at least at the moment) seemed like a logical site title - all completely her decision. 

And the logo?

Created by Evie (with a little help from Mom to add the tagline).
